URL: https://cubapack-service.herokuapp.com/api/v2/package
Http method: POST
Payload: { shippingType, packageType, items, shipper, consignee }
This service implement Basic Authentication Scheme which transmits credentials as email / password pairs, encoded using base64. Each request must include this authorization token in their headers otherwise the request will be rejected.
Having the next credentials, email: example@gmail.com password: mystrongpassword we need to concat email:password after that we need to encode them to base64 and concat the result with the word Basic
example@gmail.com:mystrongpassword to base64 is equal to ZXhhbXBsZUBnbWFpbC5jb206bXlzdHJvbmdwYXNzd29yZA==
After that we cancat the word Basic: Basic ZXhhbXBsZUBnbWFpbC5jb206bXlzdHJvbmdwYXNzd29yZA== and put them in the headers using the authorization scheme
Authorization: Basic ZXhhbXBsZUBnbWFpbC5jb206bXlzdHJvbmdwYXNzd29yZA==
Use this online tool to encode your credentials to base64: https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/
The payload must have 5 attributes
shippingType: This param is an string with three possibles values: Palco , Aerovaradero Habana or Aerovaradero CAMAGUEY . If this attribute is missing or has different value the server response with an error {code:400, msg:'...'}
packageType: This param is an string with four possibles values: E.N.A or Paqueteria on Palco shippings and Miscelanea or Duradero on Aerovaradero shippings. If this attribute is missing or has different value the server response with an error {code:400, msg:'...'}
Example: { packageType: 'E.N.A' }
items: This param is an array of objects, each object contains 3 attributes and these attributes describe a package.
Example: items: [ { description: 'My first package description', weight: 34.5, salePrice: 60.2 }, { description: 'My second package description', weight: 10.5, salePrice: 20.8 } ]
shipper: This param contains information about the person who sends packages to Cuba. Contains 7 attributes as shown below.
Example: shipper: { name: 'Rolando', lastName: 'Betancourt', phone: '786-456-2345', address: '2950 w 5 ave', city: 'HIALEAH', zipCode: '33014', state: 'Florida', }
consignee: This param contains information about the person who receive the package in Cuba. Contains 13 attributes as shown below.
Example: consignee: { name: 'Zuniet', lastName: 'Santiesteban', ci: '93040712121', passport: 'K67677', phone: '53290190', homePhone: '', street: 'Princesa', houseNumber: '#155', between: '% Calvo y Soubervilles', apartment: '', neighborhood: '', province: 'Matanzas', municipality: 'Cárdenas', }
You must provide the basic authorization token in the headers as described earlier in this article.
Attributes can't be null or undefined, use ( 0 ) or ( " " ) instead
The attribute shippingType can only take three possible values ( 'Palco' , 'Aerovaradero Habana' or 'Aerovaradero CAMAGUEY' )
The attribute packageType can only take two possible values ( 'E.N.A' or 'Paqueteria' )on Palco shippings.
The attribute packageType can only take two possible values ( 'Miscelanea' or 'Duradero' )on Aerovaradero shippings.
When the attribute packageType == 'E.N.A' then shipper and consignee must be the same person.
When the attribute packageType == 'E.N.A' then the consignee passport attribute can't be an empty string.
When the attribute packageType == 'Paqueteria' then shipper and consignee must be different person.
If success the server response with two arrays, the items and packages created. [ code: 201 ]
Example: { itemsResult: [...], packagesResult: [...] }
If failure the server response with an object with differents attributes related with the error. [code: 400, 401, 500]
Example: { error: { msg: {...} }, status: 400, ... }
msg attribute contains custom error details.
You can use the authorization token in the above example to create package and test your implementation.
return this.http.post('https://cubapack-service.herokuapp.com/api/v2/package', {
items: [
consignee: {
shipper: {
createPackage(): Observable
const headers = new HttpHeaders({
Authorization: 'Basic cm9sYW5kbzA5MDJAZ21haWwuY29tOldjUmJUIzEz'
shippingType: 'Palco',
packageType: 'Paqueteria',
description: 'Freidora',
weight: 20,
salePrice: 39.8
description: 'Bicicleta',
weight: 33,
salePrice: 65.67
name: 'Zuniet',
lastName: 'Santiesteban',
ci: '93040712121',
passport: 'K67677',
phone: '53190720',
homePhone: '',
street: 'Princesa',
houseNumber: '#155',
between: '% Calvo y Soubervilles',
apartment: '',
neighborhood: '',
province: 'Matanzas',
municipality: 'Cárdenas',
name: 'Rolando',
lastName: 'Betancourt',
phone: '7864405007',
address: '3920 w 6 ave',
city: 'HIALEAH',
zipCode: '33014',
state: 'Florida',
}, {